The Montessori program offered at the early childhood level, ages 2 years to 6 years, is based on traditional Montessori principles of multi-sensory and sequential learning.
MONT 1 ( 2 Years )
MONT 2 ( 3 Years )
MONT 3 ( 4 Years )
MONT 4 ( 5 Years )
The Exercises of practical life activities are those the children see done in their own homes. The exercise of practical life enables the child to develop control of movement, concentration, self-discipline, and the ability to complete a cycle of activity.
The Montessori language program
is based on a strong foundation of phonetics. The phonetic approach equips the child to pen his
thoughts freely. A non-corrective mode in the class facilitates
child’s creative writing.
The Sensorial materials
provide a particular purpose of
using the child’s hands and senses
for spontaneous activity.
Montessori emphasizes learning through all the senses, not just through listening, watching or reading.
The Montessori mathematical materials allow children to begin their mathematical journey from the concrete to the abstract through manipulation, experimentation and intervention.
Art, music, geography, history, botany, zoology, and science are integrated into a holistic approach to living and learning in our human family, on our planetary home across cultures and throughout history.